It’s been fun…

..but all good things must come to an end (at least temporarily). These days, keeping up with this blog feels more like a chore than a hobby. That, coupled with my inability to see even one movie a week, has brought me to the conclusion that it’s time to call it quits, at least for now.

I will still watch movies as I can, and hopefully keep up with the latest and greatest as they are released and/or made available to me. And perhaps come next Chrisfilm Awards season, I can pick this back up, but I can’t make any promises. So with that being said, it’s been a lot of fun and I’ve enjoyed having people read my writing and discuss it on occasion, but it’s au revoir for now.

walking away

EDIT: Apparently that was my 600th post. What a way to go!

6 Responses to “It’s been fun…”

  1. NOOOOOO…. I read all you reviews (although I’ve long ditched my own film review sections).

    Good luck with everything. It’s been a great few years.

    • chrisfilm Says:

      Thanks for always being such a faithful reader. Maybe with my extra time I’ll start reading some of these science fiction books you like!

  2. Feels like the end of an era, it makes me sad to read this post. Hopefully you’ll be back soon!

  3. You’ve created an impressive body of work, my friend. I always enjoyed reading!

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